Are Cryptocurrencies Good for the Environment ?

Are Cryptocurrencies Good for the Environment ?

Guillaume cardinal


Prices and users of Bitcoin (BTC) and Etherium (ETH) have risen rapidly, but questions remain about the consequences of the adoption of cryptocurrency on a large scale. In particular, many skeptics and environmentalists have expressed concerns about the energy consumption of cryptocurrency mining, which could lead to increased carbon emissions and climate change.Crypto are dangerous because everyone can create their own crypto in less than five minutes.

These exorbitant energy costs are due to the competitiveness of the proof of work blockchain. Instead of storing account balances in a central database, block rewards are used to record cryptocurrency transactions in a decentralized network of miners. These dedicated computers participate in computer competitions to record new blocks, which can only be created by solving cryptographic puzzles.

Supporters of cryptocurrency believe that the system has many advantages over centralized currencies, as it is not based on any trusted intermediary or a single point of failure. However, mining challenges require many energy-intensive calculations. According to the BBC report, by 2021, Bitcoin is the most famous cryptocurrency network, using 121 terawatt hours of electricity each year, surpassing Argentina as a whole. According to the cryptocurrency analysis website Digiconomist, the Ethereum grid consumes as much electricity as Qatar as a whole.

Mining 1 cryptocurrency takes enough energy to power in energy a big house for one week.There is more then 21 million Bitcoin passing around the world and 100 million Etherium . This is enough energy for 121 million weeks.There are more than 250 trillion different type off cryptocurrencies and millions off units in each crypto so it takes a lot off energy.

Crypto are a good ways to make money in trading because of its volatility so it is a two side coins when we talk about how good they are.