10 Things Not to Do to Be Trendy

January 11, 2016
Some people are not completely comfortable with trends and sometimes being a little bit advised does not hurt. Without writing a complete detailed document about fashion, I’m giving you a “10 things not to do to be trendy!” A few simple tricks about makeup and clothing. Basic things everyone should know about. Let’s get started. Enjoy!
1. Don’t put on too much mascara: Make sure to be gentle on the quantity. Instead of having a delicate look, you’ll find yourself with eyelashes looking more like fly paw than anything else.
2. The tip of the eyebrow too long or too short: If you don’t know where the end of your eyebrow should stop, take a pencil (or any other straight tool) and place it from the tear duct to the outer corner of the eye. The tip of the eyebrow should stop when it meets the pencil.
3. Choosing a foundation that fits your complexion: Its first utility is to unify the epidermis so the best is to choose one that is approximately the same colour as your skin, because you don’t want to get an orange face.
4. Putting lip balm before lipstick: If you want to hydrate your lips you should do it about 30 minutes before putting on your lipstick so that the pigments hold longer. Lip balm is an oily substance so if you do these steps very close, the lipstick won’t stay for a long time.
5.Do not forget to remove your makeup before sleeping: During the night, the skin is repairing and regenerating, and for that, it must not be disturbed by a layer of powder and pigments that block the pores. Not cleaning your face can cause an impression of dry skin. It can also leave you with dilated pores while the skin is originally not greasy.
6. Never exaggerate on the blush: you want to have a healthy glow? Then you’ll put a light layer, it will be sufficient. Don’t apply this generously, because you’ll find yourself with doll cheeks.
7. Wearing too much jewellery: The best way to spoil an outfit. You don’t want to look like a Christmas tree! You are not obliged to put all the content of your jewellery box. As an example, You can put one necklace (dominant) twinned with discreet earrings and a thin bracelet.
8. Avoid wearing a piece of clothing just because it is fashionable. Everything does not fit on everybody. You are better to choose clothes that advantage you. Not saying you can’t wear trendy clothes but your decision may have bad or good results.
9. Never mix prints: If you have a flower blouse do not wear it with stripped pants. If you have a piece of clothes with texture, wear it with just a simple colour. If not, we’ll be confused looking at your outfit.
10. Wearing too small or too short clothes: many woman will think that it makes them look thinner or more attractive. It’s not. Wearing pants that are too short will make you look “shortened”. If your shirt is too small the attention is going to be on curves that we don’t necessarily want to be seen.
These are just a few advice. There is much more to know about fashion, but I highly recommend you to follow those baselines to make sure your look corresponds to these days trendy standards.