Bombshell Hits Royal Family.
March 29, 2021
On March 7, 2021, the interview with Megan Markle (Duchess of Sussex) and Oprah Winfrey revealed information about the reasons why they left the Royal family.
At the beginning of the interview, Megan and Oprah specifically said that Megan wasn’t paid for this interview and that she didn’t what she would’ve been asked
They first talked about their wedding, that The Queen was the first person that Megan met when she joined the Royal family and told how she had an amazing relationship with her. When she joined everyone welcomed her.
The Duchess of Sussex mentioned that during the time she was living with Harry’s family, she wasn’t allowed to go out with friends or even leave the house. She told that she went out once in four months.
When Megan was pregnant of Archie, the Royal family was concerned about how dark the baby’s skin might be when he’ll be born. But she wouldn’t tell with who she had this conversation because it would’ve been very damaging for the Royalty. At Archie’s birth the Royal family wanted her to take the traditional photo after birth in front of the hospital, but Megan didn’t want to take it so the family were mad at her.
Oprah asked Megan if she was thinking of harming herself or having suicidal thoughts and she said: “Yes. That was very, very clear and very scary.” She went to human resources for help she said: “I just really- I need help’’ and they said: “My heart goes out to you, because I see how bad it is, but there’s we can do for you, because you’re not a paid employe of the institution’’. Megan send multiples emails saying very specifically that she was concerned about her mental welfare. Someone sent her a photo of her at an official event and one of her friend said: “I know you don’t look at pictures but you guys look so great”. Megan zoomed in and saw the truth of this moment because before the event, Megan and Harry just had the conversation: “I don’t wanna be alive anymore”. She remembered him saying “I don’t think you can go” and she said: “I can’t be left alone” because she was afraid of what she might do to herself.
In the middle of the Harry joined them to announce the gender of their second baby and to talk about why he decided to leave. Harry said that the main reason that they left was because they asking for help and they couldn’t get it. When they first announced that they would step back from the Royal family, The Queen said: “Although we would have prefered them to remain full time working members of the Royal family, we respect and understand their wish to live a more independent life as a family while remaining a valued part of my life.”