
April 21, 2021
In America, Anti-Asian hate crimes have increased by 150% since the beginning of the pandemic, commonly known as Covid-19.
The issue is present all over the world, but specifically in the United States where the term “China virus” can be heard regularly. As a result, crimes committed against Asians are on the rise. The main reason is that people blame the pandemic on the Asian community. The hateful acts occurring now are causing these innocent people to constantly live in fear.
The current situation is people attacking Asians randomly in different public places, which is of course against humanitarian rights. Elders are unfortunately the most threatened on a daily basis, They have been insulted, pushed, stabbed and some even killed.
A 64-year-old Vietnamese grandmother was assaulted in San Jose, an 89-year-old Asian woman set on fire in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn. A 84-year-old Thai American murdered in San Francisco, a Filipino-American slashed across the face on a subway in Manhattan and recently a murder of 8 Asian-Americans occurred in Atlanta. Closer to us, the Asian staff of a Subway in Ste-Foy attested that they were regularly insulted by clients.
This community is in mourning, understanding the pain of those who are directly touched by those disastrous events. It is important to take into consideration that elders have a very important role among them, they inspire respect from people. Those unforgivable atrocities are terrorizing the victims to live freely their life.
We may not be able to directly change the situation nor have the power to stop this abomination, but we can help by spreading the news and saying all together #stopasianhate.