Disc Golf Growing Up In Quebec City
December 2, 2021
Since the pandemic started in 2020 in Quebec City, more people started to be interested in this unknown sport for them.
Disc golf is an individual sport that can be played in groups of four. It is the same thing as golf but instead of hitting a ball with a club, you throw a disc (frisbee), and instead of putting the ball in a hole, you throw the disc in a disc golf basket. (An elevated metal cage with chains to catch the disc) ‘’Before the pandemic, we were surprised to see people play disc golf while we were playing, said the Tremblay’s brothers, 3 brothers that practice disc golf.
During the pandemic, people were at their houses and were looking to do something. A lot of people started to play disc golf. They loved the fact that it is an outside sport and that you can have fun while playing. People started to play and initiated other people. During the pandemic, a lot of people started to go on the courses and a bigger community of disc golf players started. A lot of members were added to the disc golf group from Quebec (Disc golf Québec \ Lévis) on Facebook.
The city even has his disc golf Youtuber, Disc golf DH. He does very nice things to initiate people to this wonderful sport. He has brought one of the best disc golf players in the province to give tips to beginners. Disc golf DH does some competitions to make win stuff to the community.
With the new big number of players in the city, La base Plein air de Sainte- Foy wanted to make a new bigger course. 6 months ago, with the help of members of the adgq(assosition disc golf Quebec), the course was designed and the work started. Just for the end of the 2021 season, the course made its pre-opening. The course has a medium layout for beginners and one of the hardest layouts in the province for the pro. The course has the nickname ‘’The Monster’’ for its hard holes.
On November 7, there was one of the biggest disc golf meets in the city. It was the last meet of the season. Around 50 Players were there to play on the new course. There were even a few players from Montreal to test the course.
Let’s just see what will happen in the future in the city with the bigger projects.