What’s going on in Area 51?
Entering Area 51 sign on a fence at The Military Base in Nevada desert at sunset
February 26, 2022
Have you ever heard about what’s going on in Area 51? Some people have crazy theories about this place.
Zone 51 is a highly secure place, it’s practically impossible to get in. Each year, many rumors state that people are killed as they tried to defy the rules. The most notorious case occured on April 12, 1955. Four important people were killed. On 12 April 1955, important visitors were almost killed to introduce Area51 Richard Bissell, Col. Osmund Ritland flew over Nevada with an aerospace engineer Kelly Johnson in a small Beechcraft plane piloted by Lockheed’s chief test pilot.
This secret place was built in April 1955 but it was never officially part of the military infrastructures of the United States. The authorities recognized its existence only in 2013. It was built It’s located in Nevada near the airport of Las Vegas. This military base has an area of approximately 155 km2.
Before Area 51 was recognized, some people who lived near there saw weird things in the sky. In addition, according to some, one evening in the 1950s, they saw a strange object in the sky. Apparently, it was a green luminous thing that flew at a higher speed than an airplane.
Also, on September 20, 2019, more than 1 million people wanted to invade Area 51 to, according to them, free the aliens who were hiding there. At that time, anyone who defied the rules would have been shot without any criminal charges. Moreover, a very simple rule needed there is to not cross the invisible line because anyone who violates this rule could be shot down. This event happened from September 17 to 21, it lasted 96 hours, and then everybody left.
Since the 1960s, several rumors have been circulating about this mysterious military base. Especially, a physician named Robert Lazar said he worked between 1988 and 1989 in sector 4 near the zone, secretly called S4 was a space according to him reserved for extraterrestrial studies.
Moreover, a lot of American YouTubers tried to go into this forbidden territory. By chance, no one took the chance to go further since several patrol vehicles had seen them, others were even stopped and warned by the patrollers. Some of them had also missed having their cameras removed to delete the video captures.