Ukrainian Border Guard Supposedly Dead Were Discovered Alive
ST PETERSBURG, RUSSIA JULY 26, 2018: The Ivan Gren large landing ship takes part in the dress rehearsal of a parade marking the Day of the Russian Navy. Vadim Savitsky/Russian Defence Ministry Press Office/TASS Ðîññèÿ. Ñàíêò-Ïåòåðáóðã. Áîëüøîé äåñàíòíûé êîðàáëü “Èâàí Ãðåí” âî âðåìÿ ðåïåòèöèè âîåííî-ìîðñêîãî ïàðàäà â ÷åñòü Äíÿ Âîåííî-Ìîðñêîãî Ôëîòà. Âàäèì Ñàâèöêèé/ïðåññ-ñëóæáà Ìèíîáîðîíû ÐÔ/ÒÀÑÑ
March 16, 2022
The 13 Ukrainian border guards that had reportedly been killed after telling a Russian warship to “ go fuck yourself” rather than surrendering their post were verified to be alive on Sunday by the Ukrainian Navy.
The information that the border guards were alive came from Facebook, the post mentions, “ regarding the Marines and border guards, who were taken interned by Russian occupiers on the islet of Snake, we’re veritably happy to learn that our friends are alive and well.”
Original reporting stated that the guards had been posted on a rocky Black Sea landmass known as Snake Island when a Russian warship approaches and radioed the guards.
“ This is a Russian warship,” the raiders blazoned. “ I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed and gratuitous victims. Else, you’ll be bombed.”
“ Russian warship, go f!&*% yourself,” the Ukrainians responded.
And while Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy himself had verified late Thursday that the guards had “ failed heroically” defending the islet, the guards are alive and have been taken internees by Russian forces.
Before reporting on the story taking into account the complete loss of communication with the small unit, the severe destruction of the islet’s structure, and a lack of Russian reporting stating else, as substantiation that the guards had been killed.
adviser • Mar 16, 2022 at 2:18 pm
I am glad to hear that they are alive.