Tampons: a Danger for Environment

March 29, 2022
Tampons are really common for women every single month, but do we know what they are made of, the risk on us and on the environment?
Tampons are used as protection during menstruation. they absorb the blood, and it is put inside the vagina. they replace sanitary pads and all other protection. Some women hate wearing them and others don’t care about that.
It contains polyester, cotton, polyéthéme( plastic) or polypropylème, and rayonne(natural material fabric thanks to wood pulp and cotton).
To make it absorbent, it contains instead of cotton, chemical cellulose(comes from trees). The problem with it is that it can infect the vagina. To avoid that, the fabric uses the dioxide de chlore, a yellow gas that is stable. This gas cannot be used in it’s pure state, because it can explode. The advantage of that gas is that it can kills microorganisms pathogène like viruses, mushrooms, bacteria…
According to “Friends of Earth”, a UK organization, menstrual pads are 90% made of plastic. The problem we have to take care of is the 90% amount made out of plastic, because plastic of itself takes approximately 450 years to decompose. Contrary to those which are mad of 90% of plastic, there are tampons that are made of 100% cotton and take between 5 to 6 months to decompose.
For example, the tampons of the brand Natrocare are made of biological cotton and are really good for the environment.