Covid Cases Increases in China.


Even after more than 2 years of living with the virus, Chinese citizens still fight against Covid-19.


China is struggling with the famous disease. Indeed, Shangaï reported its highest number of positive cases since the beginning of the pandemic. Health workers were walking in the streets with full protection suits, transporting covid tests from houses. On the 27th, last Sunday, the financial hub of Shangai, the capital of China, announced they would lock down the whole city. This decision was taken to test a big part of the people of the city, the country hitting the highest cases of asymptomatic infections.

The authorities want to divide the city in two, using the river that passes through the city as a fence between the territories. The east part of the city and a bit of the west will be the first to get tested. Everyone will be locked down inside their homes between March 28 and April 1st. Then, the remaining areas will get contained and tested between the 1st of april and the 5th of April. While a part of the city is contained, everything including going out to the restaurant and taking the bus will be suspended.

Everyone working in factories and ”unuseful” places will be at work stop, except for the ones who work as medical care members or who can help by giving food and services to people in needs. The autorities and medical cares will test people out by taking them into small groups. Neighbourhoods after neighbourhoods. Cases are growing bigger and bigger. Saturday the 26th, more than 2’600 cases of asymptomatic people were recorded.  47 new symptomatic cases were also added to the list of covid- tested people.

China hopes the cases will grow down, in hopes of getting their lives back to a normal base.