Jaider Cabarcas

Saloua Ouahi, Journalist, photograph

Jader Cabarcas elected as the school council president leaves him in pure joy.

Jaider Cabarcas, student of La Camaradiere, won the election of school president on an afternoon of October 2022.”When I learned the news, I was so grateful to know that the students chose me to represent them and that they put their trust in me,” said the president “I just wanted to catch the opportunity that was coming to me, even if I won or not.”

That big step that Jader took asked a lot of effort coming from him, but fortunately, he wasn’t alone. His entourage, such as his siblings, friends, and family, helped him achieve his goal. His sister Keren helped him take his picture for the posters his friends and twin brother Edwin displayed in the school. They mainly helped Jader by talking to the students to do some publicity, which made a difference.”I don’t think that I could have made it without my friends and family,” said Jaider

Jader did have competition, but he won the people’s hearts by making a big speech in the hall during two periods. All he did was speak the truth about what he would bring to the school, which was enough to make him win.
Jader already ran for delegate in 2021, the year before he became president.” I just wanted to catch the opportunity that was coming to me, even if I won or not,”

Jaider already has some projects that he wants to put in place. The three main ones are dress code, recycling, and sensibilization about different subjects.

The first one is something that catches the attention of the students. A lot of them want to change the dress code because they think the “no crop top rule” and the “no cap rule” is unfair and that they should have the liberty to wear what they want. Jaider wanting to change it is good news to a lot of people. The second one is what a lot of people forget about. For Jaider, recycling should be a priority. He wants to instore more recycling bin and try to convince the more he can students to change their bad habits. The final one is to show different subjects like the lgbtq+ community, mental health issues, racism, and more through conferences for example. Jaider thinks that we should normalize talking about subjects that society thinks is taboo.

As an immigrant, students see Jaider Cabarcas as the voice of the minority.
He immigrated from Colombia to Canada in 2010 during the winter with his dad, mom, twin brother, and his younger sister. It was a significant change for him, learning a new language and a different temperature, but he saw it as a challenge. “I always feel very safe here,” said Jaider.

The year 2023 has already begun, and the school La Camaradière seems to already be in great hands thanks to the president, Jaider Cabarcas.