Nurse Suspended After Eating Peanut Butter Toast
Brigitte Petrie, president of the Interprofessional Health Federation, brought bread to the CEO of the CISSS to denounce the sanction given to the nurse.
May 24, 2023
A nurse was suspended at the CHSLD of Longueuil for three days even if there was a lack of employees.
As you might know, the shortage of employees is the core of the problems in the health system, so suspending a nurse is not done for fun. She was feeling hungry and skipped breakfast, so she made herself a peanut butter toast on the morning of October 2nd because her stomach hurt.
Brigitte Petrie, President of the Interprofessional Health Federation, personally delivered bread to the CEO of the CISSS to protest the nurse’s punishment.
A month after the incident, the nurse had a meeting with her employer to provide her version of the events. However, another month passed, and on December 1st, she received a letter telling her about a suspension without pay on December 5, 9, and 11. The letter stated that the act of taking food from the residents constituted “a serious breach of your obligations of loyalty and honesty,” for the nursing care department of the integrated health and social services center.
The nurse stated that she was unaware that taking food was prohibited. Brigitte Petrie, the President of the Interprofessional Health Federation in Quebec, expressed her disbelief, saying, “I find it appalling that a toast would lead to such consequences.” She added, “The nurse was probably even more efficient after eating her toast.” The Federation also pointed out that there are sometimes slices of bread available for employees in case they get hungry, but the nurse often has to throw them away because the bread becomes stale.
Who will replace her? No one, there doesn’t seem to be a plan. Ms. Petrie said, “They are going to replace her with imaginary nurses,” unsure whether to laugh or cry about the situation.