New Domestic Animal Regulation in St-Catherine

The municipal council members in Sainte-Catherine decided to make changes in their regulations. On October 19, during the last regular meeting, the municipal council members in Sainte-Catherine adopted a new by-law on animals, modifying certain rules in their regulations. 

There are now several animals authorized, you can have four cats and dogs total, but you are not allowed to have more than three dogs on the same property. Except with fish, a total of eight domestic animals, all species combined, are authorized.

Also, a compulsory license for dogs and cats needs to be purchased. Citizens must provide their cat and dog with a license within 30 days of moving to the territory or when they reach three months old. The license is valid for one year, and you must be renewed each year. If you do not respect the law, you will have to pay a fine of around 300$.

For guide or assistance dogs, the licenses are free, as well as for microchipped dogs and cats.

From now on, owners of domestic animals must present proof of sterilization and vaccination to obtain their license. However, these new regulations do not apply for specific provisions of breeds of dogs, such as the pit bull, but thanks to the members of the municipality, more procedures are planned for dogs declared potentially dangerous.

Most citizens agree that it is a good thing to have this law when you live in a small house or even in an apartment, but at the same time, it is unnecessary when you live in a big house with more space. Other people mentioned that taking care of the vaccination and the sterilization of pets is essential, but making a law only for that is annoying.