Mural On Their New Life In Quebec


Danna Janeth Saucedo Gonzalez, Journalist, Promotion

On May 4, during lunchtime, the reception class introduced a mural on their new life in Quebec. The mural has many illustrations and different sentences in French and in their native language. 

There are many challenges that international students face when they arrive here in Quebec, in a completely new school. For example, making new friends and learning about a new culture, but the main challenge is learning a new language. Many students arriving in Quebec speak a language far removed from French. The alphabet is entirely different, for example, for Arabic or Ukrainian. However, teachers have to help them to start completely from the beginning. This requires a lot of perseverance and courage. 

Especially at La Camaradière High School, they have a tremendous cultural diversity. Students from all over the world with different traditions and different cultures. This is an excellent asset for the school because cultural diversity is better understood; however, there’s still indifference. According to Couture Claudiel, teacher of class d’accueil, it is necessary to promote multicultural activities and exchanges between people from different countries, allowing pupils of different nationalities to meet and understand each other. “The more inclusive activities there are, the greater intercultural understanding and respect for differences will be,” said the teacher.  

One of the students in the class Accueil shares his opinion about his new life here in Quebec. He said that he left many memories and people he loved before living in a completely different country, his mom and all his brothers, and memories about his friends from school, which is somewhat emotional to leave your friends at this age. According to his experience, he answered that he felt bizarre because everything was new, the language, the weather, the people. But the student replied positively, “Even if I’m still learning everything from the beginning, I feel safe, and I now have friends and people who appreciate me.”

 Despite the vocabulary barrier, many technological norms authorize students to express themselves to each other. With translation tools, they can transmit more efficiently. In acquisition, it is highly beneficial for an immigrant student to make Quebec friends because learning French will stand more favorably and possibly faster. The non-immigrant student choice even be able to discover a new language and a new culture.