Williams redefines it as a high fashion accessory. The bag is made of cowhide leather in exactly the same color of an actual paper bag. It’s also in the precise shape, precisely folded to resemble its equivalent. The accessory also features the iconic Louis Vuitton lettering as well as a blue attachment.
It can keep sandwiches like the original design or any other desired object but with a price tag of more than three thousand dollars, you may not want to carry your lunch in it. The piece went on sale January 4, exclusively at the brand’s West Hollywood pop-up store. Its measurements are 30 centimeters in length, 27 centimeters in height, and 17 centimeters in width, according to Louis Vuitton’s website.
A lot of people on the internet think the price is outrageous and have different opinions on the piece. Some think it’s a great fashion advancement, others think it’s useless. A Twitter user said, “I feel like designer brands are running out of hand these days, don’t you guys think?” Another user said, “Gee. A Louis Vuitton “sandwich bag” for more than $3000. On my current lean and mean budget, that’s like nearly two years worth of food for me.” The internet can’t seem to stop talking about how unnecessary the product is.
The large clutch bag is handmade from experienced craftsmen who take time into producing flawless products with only the finest and highest quality materials like this one. Dupe, cheap replicas can’t compete with them as this isn’t the same fabric, quality. Even with its high price, some people still take time and money to buy this piece of material with a fancy look. Some people think rich people have lost their mind spending such money for useless things. “Rich people have lost their minds. Who spends so much money on this?! This generation of rich people have truly lost all sense of reality. Outrageous.”, said Jessika Letarte.