Teenagers like to follow trends. Fashion is really important, for them, to show their identities. It is a good way to show your true self by expressing yourself with clothing. For some, finding your own style could take years, and that is simply how finding your identity works.
Now for other teenagers, fashion is about fitting in a group. You can fit in a group by dressing in a similar way as your friend or just people you find interesting. Clothing can make your body look different, depending on clothing patterns and shapes, that’s a way for them to feel confident in their bodies. The media is also what influences style and fashion, most teens find inspiration on it which often starts a trend that a lot of teenagers hops on to fit in.
For some people, trends are something they want to avoid. Usually, it’s to be different or to not be influenced by others. It’s always a bit harder to build a closet less connected to trends, because a lot of stores sell what’s trending. Teenagers who normally want to be different either stick out, are mysterious or just don’t want to be labeled as “normal”.
Fashion can be a good way to express yourself but it can also be stressful and not fun. Although being accepted in a group is great, it can be very stressful to feel like you dont belong with them. Fashion can be mentally affecting teens making them feel they need to wear the latest trends or they’ll get bullied. It could get very unhealthy to feel like if you don’t dress a certain way you’ll be judged.