A tragic event happened on February 11, a famous frame signed by Jean Béliveau was stolen during the pee-wee tournament.
For the first time, the pee-wee tournament created a special kiosk showing many artifacts of Gishlain Bérubé. Unfortunately, one of the frames got stolen, on it we could see Jean Béliveau making a ceremonial puck drop. Right now there is only one suspect and they’ve got a picture from the cameras. Michel Plante, the tournament president, said ” For now the only thing I can say is that the police is working with us and if we want the frame back people have to be vigilant. If you see something like the frame or a person looking like the one in the picture, you must communicate with the police”.
M. Plante recognizes that they must revise their security measures to make this little museum again and make it better for the years to come. He assumed that they could remove things to make it less accessible or revise the fact that they could put a roof on the kiosk to prevent this from happening again. M. Plante can’t understand how someone could do this.
“This frame represents value because Jean signed many other pieces but people will now doubt them, what we want is our frame. It was a memory from this tournament, that someone thinks of doing that…where there is man there is manhood,” said M. Plante devastated.
The frame representing the ceremonial puck drop of the 1959 Pee Wee tournament, was bought by Gislain Bérubé for a thousand dollars and today his value would be five thousand dollars. Research is still on but the police haven’t found the stealer. It is a big loss for the Pee Wee tournament, they want their frame back, and it is very meaningful to them.