Tips to be Healthier


©Michael Krinke Photography

young teenager drinking water after exercise.

Daniella museminali


More and more people are concerned about there health and how they could adopt a healthier lifestyle. Most people think that it’s hard to be healthy but it’s actually not that complicated. Here are some tips:

1.Diversify your food

Eating a lot of different food will help you get all the nutrients your body needs in a day (all the 40 required daily), and no food(aliment) has them all by its own.If you don’t get all of them you will probably get a lack of energy so try new things in your kitchen, it won’t hurt.


2.Increase your fiber intake
Fiber is an important ingrendient to a healthier body. Most people consume about 10-15g a day while an average person should get 25-30g. Fiber helps for heart disease , cancer and even digestive problems. There’s a lot of food that can help you increase fiber into your diet, for exemple : brown-rice,avocado and many others!


Working out is probably one of the most important things to complement your diet if you want a healthy lifestyle. A person should exercice 3-4 times a week. You do not need to be an athlete to get a move, for example you can run 2 times a week or you can even walk. Also you can find many easy and fast routines on Internet that can help you.





4. Eat regularly
A normal person should eat 4-6 times a day, snacks included. It can be hard to balance what to eat especially when you’re out and when you don’t have control of what, and how much, you put on your plate.
A tip would be to eat, most of the time, at home. Also you could plan ahead if you think that you’ll be in a rush, just make sure to have the ingredients to make a super simple recipe that doesn’t take a lot of time. For example, pasta with tomato sauce can be cooked in just 10 minutes.



5. Think positive
It has been proven that a person who is positive and thinks positive often has a stronger and healthier immune system. Your body believes what you think. Some tips to be a positive thinker: you should get enough sleep every night.Try to not to take critics too personal.You can even write your reflections in a personal journal and finally just be happy and smile as often as possible.


6.Don’t be too hard on yourself
Believe it or not, over training could be the problem. You have to let your body take a break sometimes to let it restore itself correctly either you won’t get the wished results. It might even decline your perfomance on the long run. Not letting your body rest might bring you to fatigue, moodiness, lack of enthusiasm, depression etc.To avoid to over train you can diversify you exercises. For example, Monday, Thursday you could do weight lifting, run on Tuesday and Wednesday and rest the whole weekend.


7.Get enough sleep
Sleeping is probably one of the most important things if you want to get healtier. Studies have proved that there’s a link between lack of sleeping and heart disease, heart attacks, diabetes, obesity, etc. Sleeping enough can also help with having a better mood, when you’re overtired you can be be exhausted and
cranky. Also, if you want better grades you are more likely to concentrate better when not tired. It has been proven that students that get enough sleep often have better grades than the ones that don’t.


8.Drink water
Drinking water can help in lots of ways. If you want to lose weight for example no need of a strict diet a little more water will help you more than you think. An average person should drink at least 2L of water per day. Water can help you to energize your muscles by balancing their fluids, that’s why you should always drink water while exercising. A study has proven that students who bring water to their tests had better results than the others. The explanation to that is that when the body is dehydrated the brain tissue shrinks which makes the brain work harder to perform at the same level.

young teenager drinking water after exercise.