The rate of young people who vape is increasing, which can have serious cognitive and physical consequences for them.
Since electronic cigarettes were invented a not very long time ago, the damage that they can have on the body and health is mostly unknown and is currently being analyzed by specialists. What is known is that some products released by heated vaping liquid are harmful to the lungs, which can cause serious lung diseases or worsen the health of people. Teenagers are particularly susceptible to its potentially devastating health effects, as nicotine can interfere with healthy brain development for young people, and can impair memory and concentration.
Nicotine is a highly addictive chemical found in most vaping products. After being ingested, nicotine goes directly to the lungs, then into the bloodstream, and ends up in the brain. Within seconds of inhaling the mist from a vaping device, nicotine causes the release of dopamine in the brain, which provides a feeling of well-being. Over time, the brain begins to crave that feeling that it allows for, and people have to consume more and more to get the same pleasurable feeling. “It’s the same feeling as when you’re hungry. When your stomach is gurgling, you get something to eat quickly to satisfy your body’s needs. It’s the same thing for vaping. when your body demands it, you will want it as quickly as possible several times a day like food”, said a sixteen-year-old girl who has been using electronic cigarettes for almost four years now. It can also give some users a boost of energy or focus.
In fact, between 2017 and 2021, the number of people who vape more than doubled, going from 55,207 to 116,700 users. Some teenagers start vaping because it’s a way of interacting with others or integrating into a group. “All my friends would vape, so they influenced me to start”, said a teenager. Others vape to reduce their stress or when they are going through a rough situation, “it helps them”. Besides, some teens started smoking an electronic cigarette because they wanted to try it and ended up liking it.
If someone you know vapes or is at risk of starting, talk to them about the harms of it. Have an open discussion without judgment or criticism. To help someone stop vaping, promote him or her to gradually wean it off to prevent it from having too many physical and mental repercussions. The first few days and weeks will be challenging for the person, so set goals with him/her and celebrate each victory, even if they seem small to you, they might be huge for the user.
The electronic cigarette was invented in 2003 by Honk Lik, a Chinese pharmacist, and then commercialized in 2004. It was designed to help people who smoke quit, but it turned out that now, it’s as bad as cigarettes and maybe even worse.
If you want to stop vaping, you can download the app Libair or click the link down below: