The rising utilization of electric vehicles in certain parts of California reduces the quantity of CO2 produced in those zones, according to a new study published Thursday.
These new data give a great argument to the authorities of the most populated states, which want to generalize these cars’ use to have zero gas emissions in 2045.
Because of a sensor system installed in 2012 around San Francisco Bay, where electric cars are now obligated, some scientists at the great university of California in Berkeley noticed a decrease of carbon dioxide (CO2) produced every year.
“Because of the atmospheric measurements, we show that the adoption of electric vehicles is working, this has the effect that we thought on the CO2 emissions”, declared the principal author of the study, Ronald Cohen.
” The state of California has the ambition to be an absolute zero in 2045 and this requires a decrease of emissions of a little bit more than 3,5% per year during the next 20 years”, said Ronald Cohen.
This Western American state has some of the strictest regulations in the U.S.A., with the project to forbid thermal vehicles in 2035. Ronald Cohen, who plans to install a sensor network in Los Angeles, Glasgow, Scotland, and at Providence on the East coast of America, recognizes that the fast adoption of electric vehicles in the region of San Francisco makes an atypical case study.