As summer approaches, there are more public gatherings.
The Police had to make multiple interventions over the last few weeks, teenagers get together in parks to drink alcohol and do drugs, and their behavior is quite disturbing.
The police officers declared they would not let these groupings overflow and be uncontrollable.
Two such events happened in Beauport and Charlesbourg on Friday May 10th and Saturday May 11th. The police received many complaints starting around 8pm about noises and alcohol consumption.
Once there, the patrollers needed to look for the teenagers and had to intercept a bus to prevent the people on board.
During the evening, the police proceeded the arrest of a 14 year old for assault on an officer occurred in Charlesbourg. A golf court was also damaged by a vehicle, and they gave a few reports of offenses for non-compliance with certain municipal rules or with the road safety code.
On Friday night a 15 years old teenager got arrested, objects were thrown at the car and the situation degenerated, a crowd surrounded the officers. Afterwards the teenage boy placed himself on his scooter in front of the police car. They got out of the vehicle and used cayenne pepper to calm the crowd and arrest the boy who not only stood in front of the car but also hit it multiple times.
“Our interventions, if necessary, will be carried out with a zero tolerance level for any situation that could harm public order and the security of our citizens.” Said David Poitras, the communications sergeant.
The SPVQ (Service de police de La ville de Québec) asked the parents to raise awareness on what behavior to adopt in public spaces. Everyone must remain vigilant.