The Odyssey, divided into 24 books and first printed in 1488, tells the story of Odysseus, king of Ithaca, and his 10-year journey from Troy to Ithaca after the Trojan War. His wife, Penelope, and son, Telemachus, try to maintain order back home while many suitors compete for Penelope’s hand, thinking Odysseus is dead.
“Christopher Nolan’s next film, The Odyssey, is a mythic action epic shot across the world using brand new Imax film technology,” revealed Universal. “The film brings Homer’s foundational saga to Imax film screens for the first time and opens in theaters everywhere on July 17, 2026.”
Known for his Hollywood blockbuster movies, Christopher Nolan is considered one of the best directors of the 21st century. His latest film, Oppenheimer, earned over $976 million worldwide, showing that he could be trusted with large amounts of money. The Odyssey is also set to be Nolan’s most expensive movie.
Indeed, the movie has a budget of $250 million mainly because of the famous cast. Nolan outdid himself by selecting Matt Damon, Tom Holland, Anne Hathaway, Zendaya, Robert Pattinson, Lupita Nyong’o, and Charlize Theron for his cast.
The Odyssey will be shot worldwide using brand-new IMAX film technology, just like Oppenheimer and Interstellar. IMAX is a set of high-resolution cameras, film formats, and projectors. A movie using IMAX technology resolves more details and less visible film grain, making it look much cleaner and higher-quality.
The film will be released a week before Tom Holland’s next Spider-man movie. Fans are expecting a possible next ”Barbenheimer”even though MCU has a far better guarantee of success. “Barbenheimer” was a cultural phenomenon that preceded the release of Oppenheimer and Barbie back on July 21st, 2023. The event released a humorous response from fans, including memes and merchandise. Polygon described the two movies as “extreme opposites,” Variety called the situation “the movie event of the year.”
Will The Odyssey succeed in surprising fans and their high hopes?