New Chairlift at Le Relais.

William Poitras

The ski center Le Relais at Lac-Beauport announced they are going to invest more than five million dollars to acquire a detachable lift for six.

The new chairlift, which will be in service for the next season, will be twice as fast. It will reach the top of the mountain in less than 3 and a half minutes.  Director Mario Bourassa wanted a way to get to the top as fast as it was possible, now he found it! The new chairlift will replace the three ski lifts in front of the ski lodge. The ride will include 60 chairs for 6 people and can carry 3600 skiers per hour.

A new track will be create under the chairlift. It will be of difficult level. There will be a positioning carpet at the entrance and skis restraints for each skier, it will also be easier to access for young skiers and beginners.

By the end of the season, the Relais will sell their old chairlifts to other stations. In the month of May there will be the construction and installation of the new lift to be ready in October, November, says Mario Bourassa.

The new installation, an Austrian design will be built in Quebec.