Scooter Invasion!!!

Philippe Doyon, Author

In North America, skateparks are more and more invaded by those scootering kids who have no idea what they are doing. For Many riders, scooters are what ringuette is to hockey.  Ringette might be fun but it isn’t as cool as hockey. As a result,  many people  ask themselves:  -Should we ride scooters and show this sport to kids? I think we shouldn’t ride scooters because it is considered the easy way of skateboarding. Furthermore, most of the boys who ride scooters don’t know the skateboard etiquette, and it can be very dangerous. It may even bring talentless kids to think they are cool and part of the gang!

I think we should not ride scooter because of the total lack of  skills needed for this sport.  It brings about hateful feelings among all skaters. Scootering is easy to do right away. You do not have to learn how to ride. You can just jump on and roll. Even dogs can do that. This makes scooter great for children (and or various rodents and animals). They can get a scooter and start riding around right away. In contrast, a new skateboarder does not evolve quickly like this. A brand new skater struggles to even stand on a skateboard.  A new skater has to learn so much before thinking about going to a skatepark. Cruising around the park takes a lot manoeuvrability and practice. This is the main reason why I think there is no challenge in riding a scooter.

The skatepark etiquette are unwritten rules that people need to apply in order to respect the other riders. To ride at a skatepark you need to be aware of the people around you. If  everyone wanted to go wherever they wanted there would be countless accidents and serious injuries. This can’t happen though if the etiquette is applied. Just like on the road. There are rules that need to be followed for safety. Places to stand, times to take your turn and many other things to consider. Always look before you go somewhere. Someone may already be going there and that means you need to wait. But those who are riding scooters are often oblivious to that. It’s very annoying for everyone in skateparks. You will probably not understand until you get a good slam because of a scootering brainless kid that just cut you off. They use quaterpipe’s coping as a parking, but skaters use them to do tricks. So, they really don’t respect the etiquette rules and that’s why you should not ride scooters.

However, scooter is an extreme sport like the others and it can be very impressive at some point. If you ride scooter just ask about skate park rules and etiquette, and you will probably be more accepted. Who knows, riders might even consider talking to you.