Legalization of the Hemp

Legalization of the Hemp

Thousands of people are arrested every years for possession of cannabis, but is it worth it? I think that the legalization of hemp (commonly used term for high-growing industrial varieties of the cannabis plants and its product ex: Fiber, oil, seed) is a really good thing that we need. First the hemp can replace petrol in hundread ways, it’s unbelievable that we didn’t start using it. Second the flowering tops of the female plant, commonly named Cannabis or Marijuana, can be used for medical reasons. And third it would decriminalizes the use and possession of Cannabis.

First I will talk a little bit about the prohibition of Cannabis. Drug prohibition in Canada began with the Opium Act in 1908. After the Cannabis has been added to the Confidential Restricted List in 1923 under the Narcotics Drug Act Amendment Bill after a reference to a ”new drug” during a night session of the House of Commons on April 23, 1923. The first seizure of Cannabis by Canadian police was not until 1937. Cannabis accounted for only 2% of all drug arrests in Canada between 1246 and 1961. In July 2001, Health Canada regulate the access of Cannabis for medical purposes. On May 27, 2003, the liberal government of Jean Chrétien introduced a bill that would have decriminalized the possession of cannabis for personal use in small amount. In October 2007, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced a new national anti-drug strategy. In October 2015, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that a federal provicial-territorial process was being created to discuss a process for the legalization of marijuana possession for recreational purposes.

The first reason why I am for the legalization of hemp is that hemp can replace so many industries because it is an annual growing plant. It would literaly save our planet. The hemp have been used a lot in the past and humans use it since the Neolithic Age. The industrial hemp has several uses such as textiles, construction, cosmetics, soundproofing, thermal insulation, fabrication of oils and cordage, litter, paper, durable clothing, nutritional products, plastic and composite materials, jewelry, flour and biofuels. Hemp absorbs 4 time more CO2 than trees, it even absorbs radiations. Paper could only come from hemp, we would have the possibility to stop cutting trees. I think that hemp is not legal yet because the governement want to make money with petrol and they can’t control hemp. It grows everywhere and every years.

Second, the cannabis sativa or medical marijuana can help with the nausea and vomiting related to the chimiotherapy, amelioration of the appetite of people that have sida, treatment of pain associated with multiple sclerosis. After, therapeutic applications are listed by the International Association for Cannabis as Medicine including: nausea and vomiting as mention before, anorexia, spasm, movement disorder, pain, glaucoma, epilepsy, asthma, dependance, psychiatric symptoms, depression, autoimmune disease and inflammations and various different syndromes. Scientific research about medical cannabis can’t stop progressing. I think that the legalization of cannabis would help so many people in Canada, we are not living their disease, who we are to judge if it’s good or not for them? It’s their own body, why can’t we decide whatever we want to do with it?

Third, the legalization would decriminalize the use and possession of cannabis. There would be less people in prison for nothing, it would cost less to the society. Young people and even teenagers would not get arrested because the have a little bit of Marijane on theirselves. I think it’s a good thing because the kids won’t be expelled from school because they had under 2g of cannabis in their locker. I’m not telling to get high at school or in public place, it’s like cigarettes, there is less and less place where you can smoke but I think it’s the same thing with cannabis. It should be a personnal use. People don’t have to know you are smoking.

In conclusion, the legalization of hemp and cannabis would make a lot of money, a lot of local store would open for the medical marijuana and we would save a lot of money for prison. It would also kinf of save our planet. Thanks for reading and I hope that it changed the way you saw Cannabis.

Here’s some fact about Marijuana that you probably didn’t know:

Every years, 50,000 people die from alcohol poisoning and 400,000 from tobacco. By comparison, marijuana is nontoxic and cannot cause death by overdose.

Marijuana use is not associated with lung cancer.  In fact, a research by Dr. Donald Tashkin of UCLA says there might even be a protective effect against cancers.

International Health Organizations support its use.

Hemp is actually better for manufacturing. Per acre, hemp yields higher than common materials like cotton, and has low pesticides need. The growing cycle is 100 days, and leaves no weeds (the unwanted kind) behind.

Cannabis grows naturally across America and present no danger.

The thc (Tetrahydrocannabinol),the principal psychoactive constituent of cannabis,  helps you fall asleep faster and sleep longer and a better breathing.

”The power of the people is stronger that the people in power. 99% vs.1%.” Gabriel Luneau

Here’s a website if you want more information about cannabis: