New Skatepark for School -yoan and raphael-

raphael and yoan

To Mr. Bélanger

This letter is from a lot of students from La Camaradière who would like you to invest money in the skatepark behind the school.  Here are some arguments for you to consider.

First of all, you need to keep boys active, the girls get a lot of activities like dance or “FilleActive”, but for boys there are not a lot of things to do. Something you offer to boys in particular is skate lessons, it’s a good idea but if you want us to participate, you need to offer a skatepark as good as the activitie. The skatepark is not atractive because it’s old modules and nobody take care of it, so it’s out dated. If you would invest money on it, more students would probably start to practice this sport, because it would be brand new and very inviting for the ones who want to practice.

Secondly, the skatepark isn’t safe at all. Like said before , all the modules are out dated and not safe. The landing of these are over the ground so it’s kind of dangerous to try tricks on theses. The asphalt is all cracked and it’s difficult to get speed so we can’t do the modules correctly without beiing scared of falling. It would be easy to fall and break a bone like the wrist or getting a shoulder injuries, exemple you drop a quarter pipe, but your wheels get stuck in a crack on the asphalt. You fall and try to protect you with your hands, but you fall so abruptly you broke your wrist.

Thirdly, offering a skatepark like the one we have is like giving a toy witheout battery. When you give a toy witheout battery we can’t use it, so it is left aside. It’s the same thing for the skatepark, we can’t use it, so it is left aside.We also have the Qc Skateboard camp who come at school to do demos and giving trick tips for the begginers, but the park that we have doesn’t very help them. The last time they came at our school they had to bring some of their modules, because we don’t have enough.

Now you know some reason you should invest money in the skatepark. We hope you’ll consider that skater at your school aren’t happy about what is offered to them.