Cannabis Legalization in Canada

Samuel Lamarre-Paradis, William Parent

The worst decision of all time. Does Canada’s Gouvernment should legalize cannabis? Our answer is defenitly no. First, we will describe different dangers that cannabis provides. Second, we’ll explain situations that could happen if the legalization is made and third, we are going to compare this decision with a similar one that happened only 3 years ago in Colorado.

Cannabis legalization implies too many dangers. First of all, it generates morphology and growth problems. These problems beget psychotic disorders. This drug also affects the brain too. A scientific experience has conclude that if you consume cannabis since a long time, about 20 years, your QI level would be lower than a normal person that doesn’t smoke this drug. Cannabis causes motivation decreases, it increases heart rate and can cause euphoria and anxiety. This drug also generates memory disorders. These dangers also make us think that it wouldn’t be a good decision. It will put in dangers the population and could cause them a variety of disorders .

This legalization could implie many losses. For someone that wasn’t smoking cannabis, this decision could change his view. That person could start consuming this substance and this action would have many consequences to his future life. For example, he could lose his friends, his family and his actual life just by starting smoking cannabis. In 2013, a young girl, who was 3 years old, has been separated of her family because her parents were consuming cannabis regularly. This situation could also happen in Canada, and more than once, if the gouvernement legalize this drug.

This legalization can also be compare with an earlier one in Colorado. In 2013, in Colorado, this decision has been taken. They also legalized the cannabis in this region. Only a year later, in 2014, marijuana-related traffic increased 32 percent, marijuana-related emergency department visits increased 29 percent, marijuana-related hospitalisation increased 38 percent, marijuana-related calls to the poison center increased 72 percent, and Colorado’s teenagers have an easiest way to procure themself cannabis. All of these negative impacts can also prove that if Canada legalize this drug, many statistics will increase and maybe not in the good way. Hospitals will be overflow of cannabis consumers and there will be more accidents related to this substance.

Finally, is this a good idea to legalize this substance in Canada? What will be the verdict?