Young Driver Licence : Maturity Better than age?


Gabriel Lortie

Every year, too many young adults die in cars accidents. In fact, 25% of deaths that occur on Quebec’s roads every year involve young drivers. However, they represent only 13% of the province drivers. Immaturity, the lack of experience, as well as trill-seeking are often mentioned. Which measures can we implement to improve this situation and be able to drive in security? For many, the fact that a teenager can easily obtain a driver’s license at 16 years old is non-sense. Many experts present their ideas to not only increase the age to own a driver’s license, but also to give it to those who deserve it.  Only those who show maturity and display a safe behavior on the roads would have the authorization to operate vehicles.


The lack of maturity is one of the causes of dangerous behavior. Nowadays, many young people take life for a video game. They  don’t care about laws and seem to act like the world belongs to them, without worrying about others around them. They also don’t care about the many consequence that they can get if misbehaving on the roads. The most common dangerous behaviors are: speeding, driving without a seat belt,  driving drunk or under the influence and of course texting. 16 years of age for getting the license is definitely too early since that the biggest part of the brain finishes it’s development at the age of  25. Before this age, young people are focused on their own pleasure and are looking for thrills. This biological fact explains the reckless behavior of some teens and legitimates many who think that age should not be the only factor to grant a license.


The solution that could be applied to measure the level of maturity and the brain development would be to pass psycho-social tests to candidates under 25. Those tests would be able to measure the level of social responsibility, judgment , executive skills ( problem solving, capacity of abstraction and planning … ) necessary for good driving. So, those who will pass every tests would be the ones eligible to begin the theoretical and practical driving lessons.They also need to understand that the possession of a license is a big privilege and not a law. Another measure that we could put in place is a law who deprives young people who don’t have a high school diploma to be in possession of a permit. This constraint would be necessarily to encourage them to get serious and to be persevering to finish high school. This measure would also allow them to have a better future.

Another key that could improve their driving behavior would be to increase  punitive measures in case of delinquency. The regulations should be stricter and tougher to get them to understand that they can not behave as they wish.

In conclusion, we now know that the young adults under 25 years old are the most involved in deadly accidents while driving. the fact that a human brain finishes it’s major development at the age of 25, explains why these youth are reckless. Undertaking a psychological test to determine if they have the capacity to start their driving test is a good way to prove their maturity. The imposition of tougher sanctions against youths also increases their safe behaviors. Since the driving license is a huge privilege and that our society must ensure the safety of all , wouldn’t it be important to ensure that each person waits for the best moment and then deserves to drive on our streets?