Teaching 101


Laurent Cadoret and Philippe Champoux

Every year,  we welcome many student teachers at La Camaradiere. We had an exclusive interview with Annie St-Pierre, our secondary four principal and trainee supervisor, on the subject.

 It is our responsibility as a public school to provide a rich environment for these trainees. As a matter of fact, student teachers are pretty useful: they bring new ideas, question our teaching methods, we can challenge them, and involve them in various projects. All of this will help to make our school system better.

“We complete each other” said Miss. St-Pierre.

They also are full of energy and candor which gives a fresh look to the school.

The apprentices mainly come from two institutions. Laval University sends us student-teachers for the general profiles. As for for special education, they mainly come from the University of Rimouski. The Camaradiere also accepts recruits from multiple stages (1 to 4).

Miss St-Pierre wanted to reassure the fearful parents who may think that trainees are not qualified for teaching. She explained that our novice are never alone.”teachers are never far away from them, they prepare the class together…”

The relations between teachers and trainees are as important as their are good for us.

“It’s important to properly receive them”answered Miss St Pierre.

For your common knowledge we listed the job of the multiple levels for student-teachers:

-Stage 1: They mainly watch the class at the back and take notes. They do not have many interactions with students.

-Stage 2 and 3: About 10 days, they teach a little bit of their subject.

-Stage 4: The rookies take the role of the teachers and train the students from the beginning of the year to December. They take half of the groups of a teacher.

Trainees are also supervised by their respective universities and are evaluated by their associated teachers on a regular basis.