A Führious Conspiracy

A Führious Conspiracy

Jérome Ratté and William Turcot

A TV channel called Historia publishes a program that explains the theory that Hitler might have escaped to South America, rather than to kill himself.

Imagine if everything you’ve heard about Adolf Hitler committing suicide in a bunker was false. Wouldn’t it be catastrophic if everybody learned that the story they knew for about 71 years was not the real one?


According to a growing number of people, Adolf Hitler would not have commited suicide in a bunker of Berlin, the 30th of april 1945.

At the end of World War II, in Berlin, soviets were rapidly invading Germany. When the soviets invaded Berlin, they found Hitler’s dead body, but the testimonials are contradictory.


One theory explains that he died poisoned and another that he died by a self-inflicted gunshot while biting down on a cyanide capsule with his wife Eva Braun.

However, DNA clues are showing that the burried bones of Hitler would actually be the ones of a young woman in her twenties.

Adolph would have gone secretly to Spain to head to South America onboard a submarine, where he would have started a new life in concealment .

Some files from the FBI prove that submarines from Europe were heading to South America, allowing escaping Nazi to flee from justice and prosecution .

After some years of living secretly in this peaceful continent, he would have gone to Brasil, where he would have made a permanant life. Many people claimed that he went under the name of Adolph Leipzig and had a girlfriend.

By some evidence, she was called Cutinga and few pictures showed her with ”Hitler”. In example, the first picture in this arcticle is the most popular one.

The former führer would have died in 1984 at the age of 95 years old, without having been judged for his horrible crimes against humanity.