the wall


Charlie Michaud

The new president of the united state Donald J. Trump just got the permission to build the wall on the border between the U.S and Mexico.

He announced it by tweeting ”Big day planned on NATIONAL SECURITY tomorrow. Among many other things, we will build the wall!”

According to his plan, the wall will cover 1610 km of the 3100 km long border. Trump said the wall would cost about 10 billions but the Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell estimated this giant wall to cost between 12 to 15 billions american dollars. The president signed the directives on January 25 and said in an ABC’s interview that the construction could begin within months. Trump is saying that Mexico will reimburse the cost even thought the president of mexico totally refuses to pay for the wall no matter what. The first meeting between the two presidents happened on January 31 at the white house .

There will also be a restriction on who can enter the U.S so that criminal can not enter the U.S as normal immigrants.

The president has already built a wall before, but it wasn’t in mexico. It was on the border of his own exclusive golf course in Northeastern Scotland. The wall was blocking the sea view of local town people. Just like the wall that is coming in Mexico Trump tried to make the citizen pay for it but they refused and didn’t pay a penny.Mr. Milne one of the resident that received a 3,500$ bill in the mail said “You watch, Mexico won’t pay either”

People have different perceptions about this whole situation, some supporters even compared his project to the great wall of china, while others thought it was just nonsense.

(Reporting by Charlie Michaud ; Editing by Jacob boulay)