10 Problems You Have When You’re Not Expressive
May 16, 2017
You may know people who are as expressive as a robot, but please don’t blame them. Yes they are happy, sad, angry, shy and all this but their face just doesn’t show it. They are trying their best to look human , but it always end up looking fake. Here are some thoughts and problems of emotionless people.
- People think you have an attitude. It’s not that they don’t want to smile to you or that they don’t try, they are just not able to.
- People think you are judging them. Don’t worry they are probably not even looking at you, just lost in their thoughts or maybe admiring your shoes.
- People always ask what’s wrong. They no longer have the energy to explain their none emotional face so they only say the’re tired.
- Everybody takes their joke too personal or don’t understand their sarcasm. It’s not because they are not laughing that what they are saying is serious. Just think twice before jumping into conclusion and getting mad at them, they only tried to be funny.
- They stopped complimenting people a while ago. They feel obligated to take a kind voice to compliment someone to look more convincing, but the person will only think they are being sarcastic. All this confusion will get them mad while they only tried to be polite.
- Christmas is the worst day of the year. They are always disappointing their relatives, because when they give you a present, standing in front of you with a big smile waiting for you to open their gift and having a super reaction, but that never happens.
- Passport photos are their best pictures. Cause they don’t have to make a weird face to fake a smile.
- Everybody is asking if they are on their period. No. Just, don’t, please.
- People are harsher on them. Everybody take for granted that none expressive people are not sensitive and that they’re tough, those people censure less with them. You know, it’s not because they have a neutral face that they don’t get affected.
- At least, the positivist in all this is that when they’ll become older, they won’t have any wrinkles. Because wrinkles are created by facial expression.