A Land of Chaos

June 13, 2017
According to the United Nations, about 2,8 billion people around the world earn less than 2 dollars a day, which is almost half of the population of the Earth . Yemen homes the biggest amount of these people and its famine is the worst the Earth has ever known. The situation in this country is so bad that 1 child dies every 10 minutes of a preventable death.
War, famine and poverty are problems hiting this country. About 17 million people eat less than what they’re supposed to everyday, which makes Yemen the worst famine situation in the whole world. Since March 2015, a war has been raging, causing more than 10 000 people to die, forcing 3,3 millions people to leave their house and preventing thousands of children from getting an education. The war is opposing the Houtists, a group of terrorists and the government of Saudia Arabia.
There are more and more people that are getting organized in order to help Yemenites. A meeting hosted by Antonio Guterres, general secretary of the United Nation, has taken place on the 25th of April at the UN. It has been a succes, as 1,1 billion dollars were raised to be donated to Yemen. Antonio hopes to raise a total of 2,2 billion dollars before the end of 2017.
Also, Blue helmets, also know as Peacekeepers, are being sent to Yemen and countries in war everyday. Their mandate is to protect civilians. Only few of them carry weapons and the role of most could be compared to police work. The blue helmets are sent by the United Nation (ONU) and travel in many countries which need help.
The situation is so dangerous that even Doctors without Borders had to leave the country. DWB were there to help the wounded last summer, but hospitals containing some of those doctors were bombed by the Houtists. This wasn’t the only incident occuring in hospitals, but it was the most deadly, making 19 deaths and 27 wounded. Since then, August 9, 2016, DWB left the country for safety reasons.
Things should go better as time goes by in Yemen, now that we know they’re in need and that the international community has started to act. Donations will still be sent by UNICEF to help the people in need over there. If we all work togheter, we can manage to make Earth a better place to live on.
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