William Parent, Author
William Parent is a 14 years old teenager. He’s learning english since primary school like a lot of people. He likes playing video games, he really likes drawing, he likes reading books (but not every books) and he love watching movies. William dislikes mushrooms, mathematics and a lot of others things but he doesn’t remenber it (there is too many probably). His favourite books are the “Gregor” serie made by Suzanne Collins. William doesn’t really know what is his favourite word but he remember that he was saying “firetruck” a lot. Some people know why is favoutite word is “firetruck” but for the ones who doesn’t know, it’s because it’s like the “F” word but it’s more polite. William have a good imagination, he can draw everything that go in his head but his biggest personnality is that he likes to make people laught so it’s why William want to be a humorist later.