Art & Tic Project


At La Camaradière school, in secondary 3, the Art and Tic class is doing a project consisting to do a short mute movie.

The project in tic is to produce a film. In a short movie, many skills are necessary: images sequences create, noises, subtitles and background music.


Students have many roles to realize these assignments. Students in the class participate to the assignment by assuming different roles. Some people are acting, some  edit. There are also producers, directors, the sound man and cameramen.


Their teacher, Mr. Luc Brassard, asked them as criterias to have three special effects they will pick from on ”Collaboration or VideoCopilote”, and two relevant and related sound effects. They also need a soundtrack ,ideally without words and an intro including a very short generic title. A visual effect strengthening the atmosphere in the movie, transitions and mixing effects scene movements are recommended to make a better products. Also, advanced editing strategies are required at least twice. The video should last about one or two minutes.


They had three periods to film and about seven weeks to produce this activity. The class uses cameras, the studio, computers and element 11, photoshop as application.

”I like the project because I can use my creativity and my precision. Also, I like tomanipulate computers and cameras for the assignment.” said a student in the classroom. His little movie is about a school, not like the others.


From his point of view, he thinks the hardest thing in this project is to find ideas and the easiest thing is shooting because it’s not difficult to find ideas when you’ve already found a story.The most boring thing is when they have not enough inspiration. The funniest thing is the editing of the project.

Written by: Gabrielle Beaupré

edited by: Julia Labbé, Valeria Claro and Coralie Tremblay