The End of a Big Threaty

The End of a Big Threaty

On october 20, Trump confirmed that he will withdraw the INF treaty signed with Russia in 1987


INF stands for intermediate-range nuclear force. The treaty was made at the end the cold war to remove all intermediate range missile from their artillery. The treaty has in order to not produce missiles with a range between 500 and 5 500 km.This treaty was made in 1987 by Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev


The reason why Trump is breaking the treaty is that he thinks that Russia has already broken the treaty.And the fact that the Chinese are making those nuclear weapon and the US can’t because of the treaty is making the US uncomfortable.


Trump said «We need to develop those weapons».


Malcolm chalmer deputy director general of the royal united services institute. said «This is the most severe crisis in nuclear arms control since 1987 »


He also said ”If the INF treaty collapses, and with the New Start treaty on strategic arms due to expire in 2021, the world could be left without any limits on the nuclear arsenals of nuclear states for the first time since 1972.”.


So Trump will restart the production of those nuclear weapon in a indeterminate time between 2019 and 2020. As a note the USA and Russia already have enough nuclear weapons to destroy the Earth.


Written by: Jérémie Vézina


Edited by: Jeremy-Larose-Desjardins


Sources: The guardian,time and globals news