Hard Work For Healthy Protection

Sara-Maude Martel

Everyday the people working for the Youth Protection Department put up with a lot of pressure and are leaving because of it. 


Even if the system requires a lot of people to function properly. A hundred people wanted to leave, but could not because the YPD obliged them to stay and keep helping children in need. «It is our duty to help and protect the children and their families »,told Mathieu Boivin, the representative of the CIUSSS (centre intégré de la santé et des services sociaux).


The YPD was created, because a lot of parents could not take the charge of raising a child alone. A lot of them did abandon their children on the streets or maltreated them because of various reasons. For example, in 2012, 32% of canadian adults reported that they had experienced some form of abuse before 16 years old.


In the 1980s, the Youth Protection Department (YPD)was created. It was put in place to prevent child abuse. The director of Youth Protection is in charge of it.


A Director of Youth Protection (DYP) is appointed for each region of Quebec. He is responsible for the decisions related to the safety of children in his region. The role of the DYP is to put an end to a situation where a child’s security or development is in danger and prevent it from happening again.


The Director of Youth Protection is assisted by a team of caseworkers. Their duties include, receiving reports about situations where children may be in need of protection, determining if the case should be accepted. If the report is accepted they need to determine and apply measures to correct the situation. The DYP also has an obligation to help parents so that the child can still live with them or return eventually if he was removed.