Water And Electricity


Coralie Vachon

Today, there are so many objects that use electricity and water in the world that affect the planet. We need to be careful on our water and electricity consumption since they are limited.


We very often use electricity and water in everyday life. A study shows that 47% of electricity is used for the cooling and heating of the house, 14% for the water heater, 12% is used for lighting and 13% for the washer and dryer. « Residential energy consumption = 3rd largest use of electricity in USA. » according to the visual capitalist website. We use 29% of our water consumption to flush toilets, 21% for showers, 21% for washing machines and 12% for faucets. Also, the world consumes a lot of these sources for industries and agriculture.


Of course, water and electricity have a big impact on our planet. Let’s start with electricity. You need to know that most of energy is created with charcoal and  nuclear products. It releases greenhouse gases emissions and it uses water. Plus, electricity is very expensive when all energy sources are combined, it can create hazardous waste. For water, we don’t have a lot of freshwater on Earth. 97% is saline water and 3% is pure water. We must save and not waste the 3%.


We can make a lot of changes to reduce the amount of water use. You can take shorter showers, turn off faucets while you are brushing your teeth, washing the dishes and shaving. Also, you can use the dishwasher and the washing machine only for full loads. Learning to repurpose water and capture rainwater are really good options.


We are able to do more changes for our electricity use than for water use. Here are a few examples: turn off unnecessary lights and use natural light instead, unplug unused electronics and turn off the air conditioner when you’re not home. You can also take shorter showers or cold showers, wash your laundry in cold water and hang dry your clothes.


Sources: visual capitalist, Lenntech, EPA, The 71 percent, Bc Hydro Power smart