The bee are in danger
June 3, 2021
The bee a very important insect are in danger because of us and we need to do something.
Bees are very important for us and the planet for their pollination of the heart.. Pollination is a reproduction method used by 80% of plants and flowers. The bee plays a big role in the pollination. They go on the flower and vegetable to take the nectar and by that they get pollen on them and go on other flowers so by doing this the bees are doing pollination. That’s how they help.
For now the bees are in danger of disappearing because a lot of people consider them dangerous for us but in reality they aren’t. They only attack when they are in real danger because many times it causes them to die. By stingning someone a part of the abdomen stays in the body of the one they hit. Another thing that kills them is the pesticide, ecologist and apiculture try to tell everyone that it’s dangerous for them. The worst of the pesticides are the neonicotinoids. It’s a type of pesticide that kills all the bad insects that are in the field. The problem is that it gets in the plant, and therefore on the bee after, and it is toxic for them so it kills them.
If the bee comes to disappear it will have an impact on us but mostly the plant and flower. The bees are not the only to do pollination but they do most of it. ⅓ aliment that we consume. We need them. But what can we do to help them ?
Well there’s a lot of things you can do like buy bee products like honey and there’s also a lot of other things. You can also not smash them when they come near you; they don’t even want to hurt you; they just want to find flowers. And also stop using pesticides.