Currency In Quebec May Change The Future


Alexis Damour

 In Quebec, the local money may revolutionize the currencies.


What is a local currency? A local currency is a type of payment that can only be used in a defined territory (Quebec). The cryptocurrency is managed by a group of people or a business. The rules are set up by them.


The currencies in Quebec are not popular but they exist. For example: The ble. It is electronic money that the population of Quebec will be able to buy for 1$ Canadian to 1 ble or 1 D$. This new currency is already in 55 different shops and over 300 people bought ble.


In Quebec, there are only two local currencies: the local exchange ticket (BLE) and the solidarity Dollard (D$). The difference between both of them is that the solidarity doesn’t have an electronic version but the ble has one. The ble came out in 2018 and the D$ in 2020. Also, the ble is only for Quebec city and Levis but the D$ is for all Quebec (Montreal, Quebec, etc…)


“We do not have individual gains, but we have collective gains, we believe, in the long term, by strengthening our local economy and improving ecological practices that we will all have a more pleasant living environment’’ said the spokesperson Pierre-Alexandre Caron, president of the complementary local currency Quebec organization.


How does using the local currency help? If most of the citizens start using local currency, we will be able to choose where our money goes. In 2021 the bank gave 3.8 trillions dollars to petrol companies and that is where a lot of pollution was made.


‘’The initiative, which already exists elsewhere in the world, aims to promote local purchasing’’ said Pierre Alexandre Caron’’