Covid Affects Animals Too


Gabrielle Dugal

Animals create comfort and happiness so why are they sometimes abandoned?


When the pandemic situation started, everyone thought it would last two weeks, as they said. But after one month in this situation, some people were getting bored. Everyone knows that animals are perfect to occupy free time, and during the pandemic, we had a lot of free time. Of course, for a lot of people, it’s something that creates happiness. A study proves that 97% of Canadians think that having an animal creates comfort. It was a positive thing for SPCA because their animals found a home to stay and be warm.


When the government talked about ending most Covid restrictions, a lot of people knew that they would not be able to take care of their new animals. So a lot of people abandoned them and of course not always in a good way. Some let them in their apartment before moving, some let them outside in the heat or when it rains. It creates a big wave of animals to be brought back to many SPCA and shelters. 


When this arrived the SPCA concentrated on their values: animal care, compassion, integrity, respect, and communication. For animal dropouts, they needed a reservation and it was only for emergency reasons. But the most important goal for the SPCA was to protect the animal so that he feels safe and loved.