Russian Woman risks it all

Maude Thériault-jans, journalist

A Russian reporter denounced the fake news about the war in Ukraine that is told in Russian media.

 It’s Marina Ovsyannickova who had the courage to report the fake information. She’s a forty-four years old woman who has two children, a girl, and a boy. The family lives in Moscou. Also, her dad is Ukrainian. The brave woman is really sportive, she started to do natation at six years old and she did competitions for a long time. The Russian girl also runs a lot.

She studied at Kuban State  University. After, the woman went to the Russian academy of civil service and economy and graduated in 2005. Now she is a producer at Pervy Kanal, the main news channel in Russia.

Marina deserves a lot of respect because she had the guts to denounce Russian media. They are lying to the Russians about the war on Ukraine. ” It’s a war against a brother people! No sane person can accept it”, said the courageous woman. The media are saying that Ukrainian deserves the war. The aim of Putin is to demilitarize and de-Nazify Ukraine. On March 15, she held a sign that was saying to not believe the media. “Stop the war. Don’t believe the propaganda. They’re lying to you here.”

She has been arrested and given a fine. Nevertheless, she still can have criminal charges and have heavy prison terms, because of the new law: “false information” about the army in Russia.