Lessons From the Past.


Olivier Fortier-Francoeur, journalist

The globe hasn’t fought a major war since 1945. Resulting to that, some wonder if such a disastrous event could take place once again. Here are some theories about the fact


Note: this article is based on speculations based on past conflicts. The information given here might be false in the future.


What is a world war?


Just for the sake of being clear, a world war or major war as it will be called in this article is a war where most or all of the principal nations of the world are involved. Today, these include the US, China, Russia, and other countries that were or are powerful either militarily or economically and are talked about a lot.


Chapter one: the reason for the conflict

War is not a war if it has not any reason to be started. For example, the cause of the present Ukraine invasion is that the vulnerable country is trying to join NATO. If it happens, Russia will have an American ally on its frontier. In the end, since the topography between Ukraine and Moscow is so flat, the US would have a straight passage to the city which could lead Putin’s empire to go extinct.


Speaking of, this whole resume could also be the cause of WW3 if NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) starts to send Its troops to eastern Europe. The reason could also be related to the pandemic since measures taken by some countries make a good part of the population very angry. In terms, this could start a civil war in the country in question which could finally ask for help from other nations. In the end, enemies of the allies of the country in question could use the event as an opportunity to invade their distracted rivals.


Chapter two: provocations

Once the war starts, many actors will join it for various reasons. To keep this article simple, only the possible major conflict related to the Ukraine invasion will be talked about. 


If this conflict was to go worldwide, two sides would form. The first is NATO and Its allies across the globe like Mongolia, Australia, Columbia, and many more.


The reason why NATO would fight in such a war is to free Ukraine and make it join them as it intended. In term, the alliance will be able to build military bases directly on Russia’s boundary on its most vulnerable side: a giant plain leading straight into Moscow to finally end Putin’s empire.


On the other side will probably be Russia, communist countries like China or Cuba, and other nations that aren’t part of NATO who dislike the US like India or Iran.


The reason why communist countries and US dislikers would join Russia’s side is that they can have a chance to get rid of the states. If America falls, the communists will be able to freely spread their system and the haters will have gotten their revenge.


Chapter three: the after war

Once a possible third global conflict has ended, a peace treaty will be signed between the two sides. It is very uncertain which side could win and where the agreement will take place, only the future can tell. Again, to keep this article simple, only the territorial and political consequences linked to the Ukraine invasion will be talked about, since they will probably be the biggest.


Now then, if Russia’s side wins, a sort of mega Soviet Union could be expected. This new country would regroup all the nations that have been part of the old communist superpower alongside China and its weak neighbors that it puts a lot of influence on like the ones in Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, etc.), the Indian subcontinent (Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc.) and in Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Laos, etc.). Perhaps this possible empire could even extend as far as Africa since China’s sphere of influence reaches this economically rich region, another reason for the nations part of it to join the union.


If the western powers win (USA, France, UK, etc.), then it is very likely that the communist world falls alongside Russia’s sphere of influence. When this happens, the giant will probably be as isolated as North Korea. Now that there is only one influence sphere remaining, nothing stops the western powers to make friends with everybody. The ONU would have way more influence than it has right now and the poorest of regions could be modernized and transformed into proper living places thanks to private investors and donators. Finally, of course, Ukraine will join NATO, although military alliances are probably useless in this ideal reality.


Conclusion: will a world war ever happen again?

The chances that WW3 takes place are very low. Especially with the ONU (United Nations Organization), an organization specifically made to penalize countries who start wars and the fact that conflict is very expensive. But from what we’re seeing right now, reasons to start such an event would be something that involves people’s lives, which is the only good reason to start a war. Although a conflict based on this type of cause should still be avoided. In short, It is very unlikely that another world war will take place, but there’s nothing that stops it from happening.


sources: Wikipedia, Algazeera, 10 things you want to know about NATO, Britannica

World spheres of influence : r/MapPornNATO | Founders, History, Purpose, Countries, Map, & Facts | Britannica