A New Way to Get Delivered!

March 22, 2022
Google has created a delivery drone and has already completed more than 200 000 orders.
In 2019, Google has created drones that can delivered package and fast-food. Google assured that the service is more popular day by day.
They are making 1000 delivery each day which is equivalent to one per 25 seconds.
There are some ecological advantages with drone delivery. It is way less polluting and there will be less traffic.
“This technology would reduce traffic congestion, automobile accidents and greenhouse gas emissions while increasing business sales and saving people travel time.” write Google.
The project was launched 2 years ago and there is still some problem that persists. The drones don’t have a lot of autonomy, they can just fly 10 kilometers before the batterie goes down and they can’t carry a lot of weight, precisely 1,2 kilograms.
This technology is not accepted everywhere, in a metropolis for example. This is for security because drone is not able to detect obstacle and they can have some technological problem or encounter some problem when they land to delivered the package.
“Integrating drone delivery into daily life is not just a convenience,” mentioned Google in a blog.
anonymous • May 2, 2022 at 1:49 pm
I think it a good idea but when it raining or there a storm it can be dangerous for the city and the electricity and I don’t think a drone can delivery a package that maybe can carry a lot of weight and the about the batteries it not helping the planet because of the pollution.
James L • Apr 27, 2022 at 3:43 pm
This Project is very intresring me because I like when is talking about technology. I think its a very good idea for an article.
Its disappointing that the drone can just browse 10 Km.
But its a very good article and a like it.
Marc-Antoine Fortin • Apr 27, 2022 at 3:36 pm
I saw a mistake at the 5th paragraph on the first sentence «The project was launched 2 years ago and there is still some problem that persists.»
It need to be wroten like this: «The project was launched 2 years ago and there are still some problems that persists.»
But the subject is really interesting and it’s a really good article.
I learned that our tecnology is really advanced.