Murder at Quebec


William Larose

The Friday, May 13, a man was attacked by a guy with a knife at Beauport.

The murder’s suspect is 27 years old Christian Oulette. He killed the victim with a knife in the parking lot of an apartment building on Avenue Saint-Narcisse. He ran away but was caught not long after by the police around 5:10 a.m. in a residence in the Saint-Sauveur district. The incident happened around 4:30 am. The suspect was accused of non respect of condition of release and murder.

This event happened one week after a man was charged with attempted murder of a 46 year old woman in the context of domestic violence, in the Beauport sector.

The good side is that the Quebec’s crime rate has actually been decreasing since 1992. Going from approximately 10 000 crimes per 100 000 inhabitants to 6 000 crimes per 100 000 inhabitants.

Questions were asked to an inhabitant of Quebec to learn if he felt safe in his city. According to Édouard Rousseau, a Camaradiant writter ”Quebec is the safest city I know and I always feel safe”.




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