Le journal étudiant de l'École secondaire la Camaradière

The Camaradiant

Le journal étudiant de l'École secondaire la Camaradière

The Camaradiant

Le journal étudiant de l'École secondaire la Camaradière

The Camaradiant

Ania Langevin

Ania Langevin

Ania Langevin is a brilliant secondary three student who mostly helps create publicity for the journal and writes some articles for the same cause. She enjoys sciences, and even defines it as her favorite school subject. She likes Japanese culture such as manga and anime, and even collects mangas for fun. Ania’s pretty talented at drawing, in fact she succeeds in almost everything that touches art. Her favorite sport is karate, but sadly she can’t continue her classes due to the present situation. She fancies the idea to become a chemist or a doctor specialist in diagnostic radiology when she gets older.

Go read her fantastic work !

All content by Ania Langevin