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Le journal étudiant de l'École secondaire la Camaradière

The Camaradiant

Le journal étudiant de l'École secondaire la Camaradière

The Camaradiant

Le journal étudiant de l'École secondaire la Camaradière

The Camaradiant

Alex-Ann Germain

Alex-Ann Germain, promotion

This journalist loves to move, that's why her favorite thing about school is physical education. In addition, one of her favorite hobbies is dancing and she loves to do this thing on her favorite music, Latino. But her favorite sport is gymnastics. She spends most of her time playing this sport and she would never stop. On the other hand, the subject that she likes least is French. She has no particular interest in this subject. Alex-Ann doesn’t quite know how she sees herself in 15 years, but she thinks she will still be in school. Her favorite season is summer. If she had to choose a place to live, she would definitely choose California. This place has a summer temperature all year, which is what she prefers. She would do a lot of things there but especially surfing.

All content by Alex-Ann Germain