Pediatric Emergency: “It’s Overflowing like never before.”


Kelly-Ann Côte, Graphic artist

Currently, at the CHUL of Québec, the situation is deteriorating. The emergency department occupancy went from 120% to 150% lately. 


The hospital cot in the Pediatric department is 117% occupied, which is a lot, and some other beds called “overflow beds” are supposed to fill the needs. Still, unfortunately, they are all already used by some children.

They are in the obligation to report countless surgeries because of the situation creating frustration and angers among a lot of patients.

Le CHUL is overcrowded, and the staff members have never seen that since the “Centre Mère-enfant Soleil” opening 20 years ago. Nurses and staff were already doing a lot of overtime, but now it is even worse.

”It puts a lot of pressure on the staff, who were already tired of the pandemic.  We have to offer the same quality of care, so that leads to a lot overtime.” explained the doctor who is at the head of the pediatric intensive care department at the CHU de Québec.Les urgences de plusieurs hôpitaux débordent | Actualités | Le Soleil - Québec

Benoit Barbeau, a virologist, reminds that the peak of the grip’s season is usually occurring between December and Febuary. However, this year, this season started earlier so many parents thought that it may mean it would end earlier wich to a l’UQAM teacher answered, “And that doesn’t mean that because it starts earlier, it will end earlier,”