Legalization of Marijuana

Are you for or against the legalization of marijuana? I totally don’t want to ruin my life just because of a dried flower from an Indian hemp plant so, I’m absolutely against this idea. I will show you my point of view by explain you the short and long-term effects, the problems in our life and some statistics. 

Drugs will essentially kill you slowly. There are some short-term effects as the panic, the anxiety, the depression, feeling sleepy, personality and mood changes and also the reduction of the capacity to learn and retain information. Plus a few long-term effects like, the rapid destruction of lung fibers and lesions to the brain, which mean that is an area of injury or disease also there are many symptoms like headache, neck pain and memory loss, etc. It can be permanent and the suppression of the immune system. There will be a reduction of sexual capacity. For boys, there will be a reduction of male sex hormones.

There are some emotional and familial problems as making ours parents disappointed or mad. Would you like to see your kids take drugs and suffer the consequences in the future? Imagine you are fifteen years old teenagers in an English concentration and overnight your grades starts to lower down, you get kicked out of your school then your parents are mad at you and finally you loose all your friends all this just because you love the way pot play with your head.

Did you know that there are approximately 30 000 people who die after taking cannabis every year? The annual consumption of marijuana in the entire world is 66 000 000 kilos and 7% of the people who consume regularly this drug are minors. Cannabis is the most commonly detected drug in the blood of the driver responsible for a fatal road accident and it causing 250 000 emergency room admissions per year.

In conclusion, we are against the legalization of marijuana for many reasons as the short and long-term effects, the numerous problems in our life if we consume this drug and the statistics which are chocking.