Quebec Bridge

This bridge illustrates the city of Quebec, but is it worth investing $400 million dollars for the Quebec Bridge. Personally, we are for the refurbishment of the Quebec Bridge because of its history, its importance for the city and the job creation.

With his scandalous incidents, the Quebec Bridge is part of the history of Quebec. It crosses the Saint Lawrence River since 1917,this means that next year, we will celebrate its centenary. He is under the protection of the Lieu Historique National since 1995. This bridge is one of the prides of Quebec, it is the largest cantilever bridge in the world. it is unique with his length of 987 meters, his steel materials and its visible railway. Despite the fact that the bridge is expensive, it is worth it because it is part of our history.

The Quebec’s Bridge restoration is not just for the esthetic side, but for his utility too. We can’t destruct this bridge because there are people who live and work on the north shore and they need to have a way to cross the Saint Lawrence river. People who live on the south shore would have to do a big detour by the Pont Pierre-Laporte to come on the north shore. There would have too much traffic, so it would be easier to have the two bridges. The Pont Pierre-Laporte does not have a see railway, while the Quebec bridge has one. Without the track and the bridge, trains won’t have access to the north shore, so it means that we won’t be able to carry any goods from the south shore.

With the Quebec’s Bridge restoration, the unemployment rate could go down. In fact, with the refurbishment of the bridge, the number of jobs could explode. Different kind of job are needed like the painters, metal workers, engineers and managers. According to CIMA+, a multidisciplinary company specializing in engineering, project management, urban planning, new technologies and the environment, the work period could last around 20 years. That means that it could assures a job to many people.

To conclude, we are for the restoration of the Quebec Bridge because it is useful. This bridge is part of the history of Quebec City, it is very used by people who live on the south shore, and it will create many job if we restore it. Even if we are for this project, the real question is : who is going to pay for it? The Quebec Bridge is owned by the Canadian National, and this company has the money. In 2006, they did 7.7 billion dollars in sales figures, so they can easily pay. However, they don’t want to pay because they believe that the city should pay too, so who is going to pay?