The Reality of Evil

The Reality of Evil

Clément Gagnon, Olivier Morency

Picture yourself having an usual day in a city. You are walking in the street but then, something peculiar happens. People are screaming, gunshots can be heard. Someone is there, he has a weapon. Can he even be considered human? Does such person has morales, motivations? The truth is that the this person thinks that what he is doing is for the greater good. How can such a thing be?

Pakistan, Syria… terrorist groups are causing havock in those countries. How can such a group recruite people in the country that they are destroying? The answer is quite disturbing. In Swat Valley, Pakistan, Talibans are knocking on people’s door. They are asking for huge sums of money. If the parents don’t pay it, they have to give one of their children to the terrorists. Those children are radicalized and become terrorists. Then, it goes full circle. Those children are now adults and recruite children on their own.

When you think about terrorists, you immediatly associate them with muslims. Is that connection justified? According to a claim of the Dalai Lama, it is not. ”Muslim terrorist, that wording is wrong. Any person who wants to indulge in violence is no longer a genuine Buddhist or genuine Muslim, because it is a Muslim teaching that once you are involved in bloodshed, actually you are no longer a genuine practitioner of Islam”.

No matter what your religion is, if you kill or hurt people because of it, you’re not following the basics of religion, love, compassions, tolerance and self-discipline. If your religion demands that you kill people, it is not a proper religion. If every muslims is a terrorists then, every christians is in the KKK.

You shouldn’t judge people by what they look like but by their past and present actions. Everyone has motivations for what they do. The challenge is to find which motivations are worth the actions that you make.